Being Brave

If you follow me on Instagram or my Facebook business page then you know that I moved 3 weeks ago. That may not seem like a big deal, people move all the time. But it is a big deal to this girl and to the people closest to me.

My husband and my son…the best road crew I know.

Change, positive or otherwise is bound to be difficult just because it’s a change. And in this case the move home to Washington state was a long time in the wanting and in the attempting. And just because it finally happened doesn’t mean that it’s all perfect and wonderful and everyone is off the rails happy.

No, we are adjusting. We are allowing (or trying to) ourselves to embrace the change as a adventure. Which all sounds great in theory but in practice it’s not really our reality. We are scared, we are unsettled, we are waiting for something to go wrong…we are being and feeling all the things that come with being human and uprooting your entire world. But we are also doing the next indicated right thing, we are continuing to show up for life, we are facing the fears…sometimes with tears and frustration but still trudging on through to the other side.

It’s the little things that matter…like our new porch! I am extremely grateful for simple things like this.

That’s what being brave is. Suiting up and showing for life, no matter what. This move didn’t go as planned. We didn’t get to buy our dream home or even rent something like we had in mind. We learned to be flexible and understand that oftentimes what God has in store for us is far better than what we thought we wanted. We can’t always understand that in the middle of the mess but if we truly stop and look around we find that we have everything we need.

Stay brave friends, it’s always worth it.

Remember, if you can’t find the sunshine, Be The Sunshine. You never know who might be needing it too!


We All Shine On...


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