DBG Product Photography

Taking pictures of my work has always been a important part of the process for me from the very start. And I’m picky about it!

I take all my pictures outside, just steps from the bench where they were created and that means so much to me. I feel like it’s a package deal, a experience for both you and me. Often it is in the photo session that I am beginning to realize that the piece will be leaving my hands soon and this is one of our final moments together. I have the opportunity to present you with what I have pour my time and love into with the hopes that you will do the same.

My homemade bench with a special meaning tree limb!

I made a decision in the very beginning to not use a light box. I didn’t fully understand what one was, I just knew I wanted to offer you a piece as it was….exactly. I have nothing against them, I just know they aren’t for me. I take my pictures on a antique step stool that has a chipped paint and patina look, a wooden bench my husband made a few years ago that is weathered and worn, a old tree stump and my favorite….my own hands.

Makers hands & Makers life captured in metal and stone.

These options serve my needs very well. They aren’t fancy, but they feel authentic and true to me. I have found that early evening light is less harsh than the midday sun and I don’t get shadows across the pieces. And while perfect lighting isn’t always possible, I still to present them to you in a natural and unfiltered state. I do not and have never used any type of filter or alteration to the photos.

Please know that I make handmade pieces, which means human made. I don’t make perfect and flawless machine made pieces. I make reflections of my heart, in it’s perfectly imperfect state.

Thank you so much for being here and if you end up loving up one of my pieces, may you be blessed by it always.


Being Brave


Keep Fucking Going Cuff