Thank you!

I am not the best at keeping up with blog posts…it may sometimes be a very long time between hello’s but I am still here and thinking of you and how grateful I am for you all.

As this year winds to a close I am hearing so many say how glad they are for that…and yes, while it has not been a easy one we have still managed to survive and in many ways thrive through it all. And that my brave friends is something to be grateful for.

So whatever the new year may hold for us we should not forget what this year has taught us…love, compassion, empathy, patience…the list is long. We are resilient and strong and a little bit of hard times is not going to break us. We have learned how to bend, to grow along the curvy and bumpy path and we will not be broken beyond repair.

We are Dang Brave Souls.

December 2023




We All Shine On...